ARCHIVED - Chemicals Management Plan Stakeholder Advisory Council Members

Chemicals Management Plan Stakeholder Advisory Council

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  • Jacqueline Goncalves, Director General
    Science and Risk Assessment Directorate, Environment and Climate Change Canada
  • David Morin, Director General
    Safe Environments Directorate, Health Canada
  • Gwen Goodier, Acting Director General
    Industrial Sectors, Chemicals and Waste Directorate, Environment and Climate Change Canada


  • Aleksandra Pogoda, Director, Environment
    Canadian Steel Producers Association
    The Canadian Steel Producers' Association (CSPA) is the voice of Canada's primary steel producing industry. The CSPA is committed to ensuring the sustainable success of a strong and internationally competitive Canadian steel sector. Through the Association, member companies seek to advance public policies to advance their competitiveness, innovation, environmental performance, skilled and productive workforce, and community responsibility.
  • Amardeep Khosla, Executive Director
    CEPA Industry Coordinating Group
    CEPA Industry Coordinating Group (ICG) is an industry advocacy group made up of 24 industry associations interested in the impacts of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act on new and existing substances.
  • Andy Dabydeen, Manager, Product Stewardship Strategy and Governance
    Canadian Tire Corporation
    Canadian Tire Corporation (CTC) has been providing customers with everything they need for life in Canada, with nearly 1,700 retail and gasoline outlets from coast-to-coast.
  • Anne Rochon Ford, Project Lead
    Nail Salon Workers Project
    The Nail Salon Workers Project at the Parkdale-Queen West Community Health Centre in Toronto focuses on improving health and working conditions of people who work in nail salons.
  • Beta Montemayor, Director, Environmental Science and Regulation; Head, Regulatory and Scientific Affairs and Market Access
    Cosmetics Alliance Canada
    Cosmetics Alliance Canada, is the lead Canadian trade association for the cosmetic and personal care products industry, that serves as the principal voice of the industry, promotes global competitiveness through smart and fair regulation, and provides educational tools to the industry.
  • Curtis Scurr, Policy Analyst
    Assembly of First Nations
    Assembly of First Nations (AFN) is the national representative organization of over 630 First Nations in their relationship with the Crown and people of Canada, as manifested in treaties and other historical documents.
  • Dave Saucier, Regional Director
    Responsible Distribution Canada
    Responsible Distribution Canada (RDC) is the voice of organizations involved in the chemical and ingredient supply chain, who champion health, safety and sustainability through Responsible Distribution
  • Dorothy Wigmore, Occupational Health Specialist
    Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health
    The Canadian Association for Research on Work and Health (CARWH) is a non-profit associated of Canadian researchers whose work focuses on the prevention and management of ill health, disability, and injury associated with work activities and environments.
  • Dr. Barbara MacKinnon, President and Chief Executive Officer
    New Brunswick Lung Association
    The New Brunswick Lung Association (NBLA) is a charitable organization dedicated to good health through the prevention of lung disease and the promotion of wellness by advocacy, with education, and through research. NBLA represents the Canadian Lung Association on many environmental health issues. NBLA’s Canadian Network for Human Health and the Environment specializes in knowledge mobilization, multi-stakeholder inter-communication and public engagement on many environmental health issues including air quality, climate change and toxic exposures.
  • Dr. Don Spady
    Canadian Paediatric Society
    The Canadian Paediatric Society is a national association of paediatricians, committed to working together to advance the health of children and youth by nurturing excellence in health care, advocacy, education, research and support of its membership.
  • Dr. Elaine MacDonald, Senior Scientist
    Ecojustice is a national environmental law charity supported by thousands of Canadians with offices in Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto and Ottawa, that represent environmental and community groups as well as individuals across the country in strategic environmental litigation and law reform to strengthen environmental laws in Canada.
  • Dr. Elizabeth Nielsen
    Consumers Council of Canada
    The Consumers Council of Canada is an organization committed to good governance, excellence in research and listening to consumers. Its consultative, fact-based approach provides the foundation for its engagement of consumer issues through consumer representation in legislation, regulations and policies at the federal and provincial levels. The Council works to improve consumers' ability to navigate marketplaces affecting everyday life.
  • Eric Loring, Senior Researcher, Environment and Health
    Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami
    Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK) is the national voice of the Inuit in Canada which represents approximately 60,000 Inuit living in 53 communities within the Inuvialuit Settlement Region, Nunavut, Nunavik and Nunatsiavut. Inuit call this vast region Inuit Nunangat.
  • Fe de Leon, Researcher
    Canadian Environmental Law Association
    The Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA) is a non-profit, public interest organization working through existing laws to protect the environment and to advocate environmental law reforms. CELA is also a legal clinic that provides legal services to citizens and citizens' groups that lack the resources to obtain legal representation regarding pollution or environmental harm.
  • Gary LeRoux, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Canadian Paint and Coatings Association
    The Canadian Paint and Coatings Association (CPCA) represents Canada's major paint and coating manufacturers, and their industry suppliers.
  • Joshua McNeely, IKANAWTIKET Executive Director
    Maritime Aboriginal Peoples Council
    The Maritime Aboriginal Peoples Council (MAPC), is a regional Aboriginal Peoples Leaders Institution, established by the Native Council of Nova Scotia, the Native Council of Prince Edward Island and the New Brunswick Aboriginal Peoples Council, represents the Traditional Ancestral Homeland Mi'Kmaq, Maliseet, and Passamaquoddy Aboriginal Peoples of Canada.
  • Justyna Laurie-Lean, President, Environment and Regulatory Affairs
    Mining Association of Canada
    The Mining Association of Canada (MAC) promotes a strong, sustainable mining industry that benefits all Canadians and supports continued prosperity across the country. MAC actively represents the Canadian mining industry on key public policy areas, including: regulatory efficiency, economic competitiveness, northern development, corporate social responsibility, Aboriginal affairs and human resources.
  • Muhannad Malas, Toxic Program Manager
    Environmental Defence
    Environmental Defence inspires change by connecting people with environmental issues that affect their daily lives in their homes, workplaces, and neighbourhoods.
  • Philippe Cantin, Senior Director, Sustainability Innovation and Circular Economy
    Retail Council of Canada
    The Retail Council of Canada (RCC) is a not-for-profit, industry-funded association representing more than 45,000 store fronts of all retail formats across Canada, including department, specialty, discount, and independent stores, and online merchants.
  • Scott Thurlow, Legal Counsel and Director, Environment and Health Policy
    Chemistry Industry Association of Canada
    Chemistry Industry Association of Canada is the national trade association representing 70 Canadian chemical manufacturers.
  • Shannon Coombs, President
    Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association
    Canadian Consumer Specialty Products Association is a national trade association representing the consumer, industrial and institutional specialty products industry.
  • Shelagh Kerr, President and Chief Executive Officer
    Electronics Product Stewardship Canada
    Electronics Product Stewardship Canada (EPSC) is a non-profit, industry-led organization created to design, promote and implement sustainable solutions for the recycling of end-of-life electronics. EPSC's mission is to ensure the most efficient and economical environmental management of selected end-of-life electronics and IT equipment required under government legislation.
  • Yasmin Tarmohamed, Vice President, Environment, Health and Safety
    Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association
    The Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers' Association is the industry association that has represented Canada's leading manufacturers of light and heavy duty motor vehicles for more than 85 years. Its membership includes Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA) Canada Inc.; Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited and General Motors of Canada Company. Collectively its members account for more than 60% of vehicles produced in Canada, operate five vehicle assembly plants as well as engine and components plants, and have over 1,300 dealerships. 115,000 jobs are directly tied to vehicle assembly in Canada. Direct and indirect jobs associated with vehicle manufacturing are estimated at over 500,000 across Canada.

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